What Should Not Be Forgotten

Sometimes, I like to pretend I'm a writer. I'll sit with my laptop and plan and formulate story ideas and attempt to type out the words in such a way that will bring the characters to life. As part of my secret desire to be an author, I have a writing board on Pinterest (let's be honest; I have everything on Pinterest). On this writing board, I pin writing tips, inspiration, and quotes.

Every so often, I'll stumble across a quote that demands to be heard. It will grab me and hold me until I acknowledge it. Recently, I added a quote to my writing board that I have not been able to get out of my head or my heart. It's six words, but there are a library of books in those six tiny words.

"Write what should not be forgotten." Isabelle Allende.

I'm not presumptuous enough to think that I have anything particular to write that needs to not be forgotten. My tiny ramblings are but a vapor in the air.

But what should not be forgotten?

What do we need to be writing that shouldn't be forgotten?

I imagine that each person would have a different answer to this searching, vast question.

I am still formulating my own answer completely, but I know that it involves people and their stories.

A person's personal story is something sacred, something precious. Their stories are uniquely their own, and, yet, they belong to all of us.

Maya Angelou once wrote that there is "no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Our stories shape us and connect us.

I want to be a part of listening to and sharing people's stories. Stories of hope. Stories of pain. Stories of vulnerability. Stories of joy. Stories of joy.

Stories of life.

I want to pen words things that "should not be forgotten."


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