Surviving Grad School

I am currently in grad school and have found it to be crazy awesome experience so far. I'm busier than I've ever been, but I am excited about becoming a teacher, and I have the best professors and an amazing cohort. I wanted to share some tips to survive the crazy adventure of grad school :)
  • If you never drank coffee before, now is a great time to start!
  • Coffee is everywhere at grad school. Often it's free. Take advantage of it.
  • If you're stuck in traffic for two hours on your way home from grad school, having a dance party in your car is a perfectly acceptable option.
  • Likewise, if you're stuck in traffic on your way to school and are going to be late, you have a couple of options.
    1). Play Disney music
    2). Sing loudly
    3). Make up a song called 'Traffic Tuesday'
    4). Play air guitar
    5). Have a mini dance party
    6). Do all of the above <-----my personal choice
  • Buy a planner. And folders. Sparkly folders are the best choice. Or ones with cute little animals on them.

  • Keep up with your relationships outside of grad school. It will be hard, but sometimes you need to just talk with someone about something that isn't school related.

  • If you have questions, ask!

  • Get to know the people in your class! They will be your allies, and you guys can help each other out. My group is always going to events together and going out to eat. We help each other study and give each other resources. It's amazing.


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