How to Change the World (In Four Easy Steps)
How to Change the World (In Four Easy Steps) I will admit, my title is a bit misleading. As much as I wish it could be, change can’t be quantified into a series of steps or a checklist. As much as I love reading those descriptive lists (10 Ways Your Life is Like a Tub of Hummus), life is messier, complicated, an enigma. You can’t always group people and emotions into neat little categories or a four-step program. The internet is not very helpful either. There are so many conflicting opinions. “Do this challenge!” “This challenge doesn't really do anything.” “Help people by donating money.” ”Your money isn't leading to long term solutions.” “Help people globally.” “Stay out of global affairs.” Trying to bring about change can feel overwhelming. I want to make a difference, but it’s often hard to know where to start. There is so much hurt. So much despair. So many broken, hurting people, and I am one of them. It’s enough to make your head spin. Although changing the w...